Friday, October 06, 2006

Pre weekend rambles.

Same-sex marriage ban upheld by court
Ruling says change can come only from voters or Legislature
What strikes me a shameful in all this is that there is some statistical evidence that beibg married - unlike just living together and having a legal contract - it's good for your health both mentally and physical. It allows you to live longer and be happier.

ALMOST inevitably in the way of these scandals, if disgraced Republican congressman Mark Foley ends up facing criminal charges, he will do so because of legislation that he championed.


Bush Pitches Incentive Pay For Teachers
It's not about choices it is about fixing the schools which are not doiung their job; if most schools are not doing their job it is clear the problem is the whole system and this little bandaid will not work.

If you do any research you will see that most charter schools fail as well.

Check out my renter, not my usual read but I needed the money.;)


Mike said...

What is shameful about a court upholding the Constitutional principles our country was founded upon? Regardless of what you "believe" about the benefits of marriage, the proper place to make these decisions is the legislature, not by court fiat. I support gay rights, but I support - 1st and foremost - the right of the people to make the rules via legislature.

Vulture 6 said...

Silly Piggy,

in the OLD way people would vote for those who represented their values and would write laws based on those values.

Now, in modern times, now that we are more enlightened we know that only a person appointed to their job for life can make important decisions, because thay, after all wear a black robe and we dont.