Wednesday, September 21, 2005

My cigar.

I don't smoke.
I did cigars in college and grad school but stopped imbibing regularly few years ago. Now they is saved for those rare occasions when I get together with old buds or when a client offers after a business dinner; I'm too weak to refuse and it would be rude.

This is my cigar now.

I find it interesting that although I created this blog mainly to view and comment others, and considering that I do not write in it that often, that I got me some spam.

Interesting developments with Korea and with Bush and his group trying to meander their way out of past mistakes without calling them mistakes.

I am finding the world of blogs interesting and at times informative.

I am having some fun with it also and am now gathering a few links that although not political are all interesting and well written in their own right.

There are some fun things out there and at my age, almost fifteen years out of college, I am all for a little laughter and wit.


Chris said...

Hey glad to see you doing some posts.

I don't get to update my site near enough. Some weeks are harder than others.

I've checked here a couple times to drop you a line, but I wasn't sure if you ever checked the site.

I encourage blogs, especially those of political nature. I think the power of blogs has yet to be realized. They give us all a voice, which is the very core of democracy.

Thank you for always reading and commenting on mine.

Jacob said...

Your welcome mj. I am pretty busy these days but have enjoyed reading the blogs and finding out there are people discussing things online in a reasonable manner.

I am also finding some of them entertaining. Considering television sucks it is almost a relief.