Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Down Day

Haven't had a whole lot of time to do this but I'm working at home so I am going to post.

I laughed when I saw Brown on the news last night and that is all I have to say.

The country is in dire straights economically; my portfoilio looks good however.

I am waiting to see what tonight brings the Red Sox.

I added two non political links; at least one it totally non political and one that is partially political and partially the musings of a twenty year old college student.

Wonderland or Not: A pretty clever and well written journal which includes vague accounts of her life, poetry, political commentary, random stories and sometimes what appear to be real news articles she has written. I ended up there via Politcal Notio, one of the better places to have small discussions on political items with a more or less bipartisan group, where she comments and sounds much older and much brighter than her twenty years. When you read her site it is obvious she is twenty going on fifty. It does give me hope that all the twenty year olds have not lost their mind but still maintain their spirit. Some explicit but very well used language.

Zazzafooky: I came upon this through another site and I found it immediately entertaining as well as endearing, despite not wanting to use such a feminine word. She is a totally non - political site so I did not have to get my brain in gear to read her. She entertains by just writing, mostly about whatever comes to mind and she does it well. She writes about toilets and she writes about her life and it is all worth reading.

I think I just needed to justify my linking to sites that are not completely political.

1 comment:

Jacob said...

This post was up no longer than fifteen minutes and I recieved two spams so am putting on the filter.