Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Work is Hell

It's been awhile. Like I mentioned, my business is growing and I've been looking for office space. I sign a lease next week on a small suite of offices. This leaves me with no time to write in this thing, but money must be made, food put on the table and golf outings attended.

All eyes are on Iowa with polls giving conflicting data. Hilary is cackling her way into the hearts of some, while Obama's wife predicts he must win Iowa.

Check out Cooper's take on pinking up for Breast Cancer awareness month.

Shayna has officially quit the blogging scene and Pia is moving.

I want no more quitting out there. Hear me?

Enjoy the week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Jacob the template is amazing. You've been Cooperized plus some

Think moving to a state I once would have made fun of had I ever thought about it can really shake up my life and my writing